Sunday, April 18, 2010

We can never have gender equality

Purely because it doesn't work in the favor of anyone. In my native country of Norway, feminism has nearly eradicated the feminine in women. The women here tend to curse, drink and fight just as much as their male counterparts while still holding the crown in psychological bullying.
We cannot have equality because to most men, women will never be truly equal. Do I mean in terms of salaries and career? No, I mean in the day to day life. I've had women tell me to my face things that would make me break a man in half, I've taken shit from women that I would never do from a man purely because I was raised never to raise my hand to a woman.
However "bitches" know that this is the case with most western men, so they keep exploiting it over and over again. A woman can get away with calling a man a dickless, useless piece of shit, but I had to take a sensitivity seminar and make a public appology for telling a woman "Stop being such a whiny bitch" now why did I say it? Because she was being a whiny bitch.

You see it used to be that women and men were not equal, and as a result women had certain benefits. Chivalry comes to mind, the instinct from a man to protect a woman, and countless others. Now as women have gotten more rights, men have gotten less, women have also adopted more "male" behavior. Drinking, smoking, cursing and sexual promiscuity.

Most of the women I do meet here in Norway represent more male values than feminine values. I'm a better cook than most of them, I can do all kinds of domestic tasks from simple laundry to ironing, in short I'm better suited to take care of people than they are. Now am I saying that taking care of men is a woman's job? No, I'm quite happy taking care of myself, however the values I feel deserve chivalry are gone. So chivalry is dead because women killed it.

If you read love poetry from the days of chivalry women are referred to as delicate flowers, angels, dolls, this hardly fits the women I know. For some reason screaming "Fuck off you motherfucking cocksucker" while swilling cheap beer is not the kind of behavior I feel should be rewarded with chivalry.
The same thing goes for who pays for a date, my rule tends to be if I ask you out, I'll pay, but I also pick where and what we are going on said date. If you ask me out then you pay, and you pick the restaurant.

I don't want some servant, but I do want a woman not one of my guy friends with tits.

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