Sunday, May 16, 2010

All people are not created equal

Take me for instance, I prefer working late afternoon, evenings and nights over mornings. I don't like making decisions without having time to review the facts and numbers so I can make an informed decision. I don't like not having control, and I strongly dislike minute to minute changes to my schedule.
I tend to prefer redheads or brunettes over blondes, and black lingerie over red or white. While I do like breasts, I do think I'm more of an "ass-man" and a cute/pretty face is a must. I like blue or green eyes over brown, and tend to look for women with a sense of humor, who challenge me intellectually but are not "ballbusters".
I prefer to watch documentaries, comedies or crime shows, not always in that order. I enjoy reading philosophy, sociology, psychology, but also sleezy crime novels, and the works of Stephen King. I do also enjoy some of the classics, mostly Hemingway, Solzhenitsyn and various adventure based novels like "Treasure Island".
I'm not a huge fan of "rave" music, with a few exceptions naturally, mostly because I believe you can find something you like in every genre.

I don't like organized religion, both because I believe faith is a highly personal thing, and also because I believe faith is easy to corrupt. I also don't like people basing their choices on what they think an invisible man in the sky likes, especially not on something as outdated as bronze/iron age texts.
I don't like that the terms "liberal" and "progressive" are considered negative words in politics these days, because in my mind humanity moving forward should be our goal as a species shouldn't it?
I don't like the term "conservative" either, mostly because I think "backwoods moron" is more suitable. Conservative literally means "disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change."

If you just look at that definition it hardly seems like a good thing does it? So one wishes to preserve the status quo which means no healthcare for all citizens, no plumbing, no dismantling of institutions or programs that do not work. No changes to social freedoms and so on.

I prefer beef or pork to chicken or fish, and some form of starchy carbohydrate accompanying it, and I would prefer a heavy sauce to go with it. Oh and an ice cold beer.
I'm for the right to choose abortion, I'm for the death penalty, euthanasia. Abortion because I believe its a mothers choice if she wants to carry something within her for 9 months, now it shouldn't be used as a means of contraception but how to accomplish that is a different debate.
I like the death penalty, not in its current extreme expensive form, but only in cases where the question of guilt is absolute. I also would prefer just shooting the fuckers in public to be honest, right on the courthouse steps after the final appeal runs out.
Euthanasia is something I support because I think that in cases where patients are terminally ill, keeping them alive is torture and a waste of resources. If a person who is going to die anyway wants to die a little sooner to spare him/herself some pain I don't see a problem with that.

On the same note I don't believe that living a long life should be the absolute goal. Sometimes its worth giving up a year or two to enjoy life. Sure you may live to be a 100 if you eat well, keep yourself in shape and so on, and even if you do get hit by a bus while out jogging at least those years living completely healthy felt a lot longer.

These are just a few of the many opinions I have, just because we are the same species doesn't mean we all think alike, want the same things or even remotely understand each other, like the guy at work who can't believe I only want late shifts. We may be created from the same matter, but still when we don't think and feel alike, assuming we are all equal just creates a world where everyone who doesn't share certain values are pushed down.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

So maybe the Mayans were right?

I've been a firm opponent of the 2012 myth since I first heard about it, some years ago but lately I find myself believing it more and more. Not because I suddenly have a lot more faith in a fairly primitive people who didn't even know what a bacteria was, or that Cortez was coming to more or less rape and pillage them, but because I have little faith in humanity.
At the moment the Greeks are rioting because their country has maintained an artificially inflated lifestyle with borrowed money. Greece is the equivalent of someone who pays off their credit cards with other credit cards and have more debt than they will ever be able to pay back.
In essence Greece is one of the more extreme examples of what I like to call "The Tea Party Stupidity" or rather the idea that you can reduce the deficit, reduce the debt, reduce the cost of Government and Public Programs such as medicare, while reducing taxes, creating jobs, and increasing peoples standard of living. In essence wanting money for nothing and chicks for free.

In every transaction something is exchanged for something else. So if you want to reduce debt, the money must come from somewhere. It can come from increased taxes, it can come from reduced spending but it has to come from somewhere. If I have $100, and I need to buy food for 5 days and I have to pay back $50 to a friend of mine that I owe him, aka my debt. In order to manage my debt without going hungry, I need to buy food that will feed me for 5 days, for under $50. I can also pay back the $50 I owe my friend, and then borrow from another friend, but what I'm doing is simply procrastinating doing something I hate doing, curb my spending.

Now here is the problem, very few people are willing to pay more taxes or give up any of the benefits they get from the state. Now I'm not talking benefits as in unemployment, and so on, but the things we don't think of. There are such things as roads, public schools, defense budget, war on drugs and so on.
Money does not appear out of thin air, and when someone lives beyond their means for a long time, there will be blowback.